Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

I hate to inform you that I am not from Canada. However, you can Scroll down to learn more about my background and everyday life in Texas.

My Story

My story

You know the age-old adage, "Mother knows best."

Well, my mom saw my talent for art and wagered me a bet. I enjoyed singing, and if I couldn't get into a high school for performing arts, I would attend a school for the visual arts, specifically graphic design.

Long story short, I didn't get into high school for the performing arts.

I attended Skyline High School and enrolled in their graphic design magnet program. Even then, I preferred my practical-based courses. The digital aspect of design had yet to resonate with me. Nonetheless, I realized I needed to nurture my knack for art and decided to major in it while attending college.

This took me over to The Art Institute of Dallas. There are so many things that clicked for me during college. It helped me realize that I am a perfectionist at heart. If I cannot achieve perfection, I will come as close as possible to it. It helped me realize that I genuinely enjoy helping others. Graphic design is less of a chore and more of a superpower I can use to support others. Being a designer does not hinder me from developing as an artist. I cannot recall where I heard the expression, but art should provoke thought. The design should provide an answer. When I have free time, I become immersed in art. It helps me answer crucial design-related issues.

After college, I worked with a few fantastic companies. One allowed me to work internationally and integrate design with many different cultures. Not many young designers get to say they've worked internationally, so I am truly blessed.

My experiences have only fueled my desire to learn more about graphic design and bring these skills to other agencies that could use them.